Thursday, June 16, 2011

Flip Flops are for Lifeguards: Proper Summer Work Attire

Ah, the summertime.  We have traded in our warm boots for flip flops for that commute to work -- a good practice to keep our nice shoes in top shape.  However, once you get to the office, be sure to stash those flops out of sight.  Resist the temptation to let your flops linger on your feet for "just a few minutes" while you get settled; those few minutes might turn into the whole morning.  Do not get too comfortable because of the nice weather or because of an upcoming holiday.  Also, do not decide that it is okay because your boss is not in the office -- your colleagues are, and your professional attire still matters.  Whether you are a summer associate, an intern, an attorney, or otherwise generally work in an office, you should not be wearing flip flops.  After all, why else have you gone to all the trouble to keep your work shoes looking so nice!?

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